2D Tissue parameters:

N cell chains:
Cells in a chain:
Long. Gap conductivity:
Lat. conductivity per 10um:

Individual cell parameters:

gapcond bcl* beats* st
tstim stl a l
rgc rvss rvmyo rvmito
rvsr rvnsr rvjsr temp
udt t v ach
betaad csqnmut cao ko
nao adpi atpi cai
ki mgi nai jsr
nsr caiss kiss naiss
pca pna pk csqnbar
cmdnbar trpnbar nsrbar csqn
cmdn trpn kmcsqn kmcmdn
kmtrpn tautr taudiffss ibarpca
ibarnak iupbar knaca knacamyo
knacass scgna scgcal scgirel
scgcat scgtof scgtos scgkr
scgks scgki scgkp scgst
scgf scgkach scgcab scgnab


bcl basic cycle length
beats nr of beats in prepacing
st current density of the stimulus (uA/cm^2)
tstim timing of the stimulus from start of simulation
stl duration of stimulus (ms)
a radius of the cell (cm)
l length of the cell (cm)
rgc capacitive/geometric area ratio
rvss subspace volume (ratio)
rvmyo myoplasm volume (ratio)
rvmito mythocondrial volume (ratio)
rvsr sarcoplasmic reticulum volume (ratio)
rvnsr network sarcoplasmic reticulum volume (ratio)
rvjsr junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum volume (ratio)
temp temperature (Kelvin)
udt time step (ms)
t initial time
v initial transmembrane potential (mV)
ach acetylcholine concentration (mM)
cao extracellular Ca concentration (mM)
ko extracellular K concentration (mM)
nao extracellular Na concentration (mM)
adpi intracellular ADP concentration (uM)
atpi intracellular ATP concentration (uM)
cai intracellular Ca concentration (mM)
ki intracellular K concentration (mM)
mgi intracellular Mg concentration (mM)
nai intracellular Na concentration (mM)
jsr jsr Ca concentration (mM)
nsr nsr Ca concentration (mM)
caiss subspace Ca concentration (mM)
kiss subspace K concentration (mM)
naiss subspace Na concentration (mM)
pca permeability of the membrane to Ca (cm/s)
pna permeability of the membrane to Na (cm/s)
pk permeability of the membrane to K (cm/s)
csqnbar Max. [Ca] buffered in calsequestrin (mM)
cmdnbar Max. [Ca] buffered in calmodulin (mM)
trpnbar Max. [Ca] buffered in troponin (mM)
nsrbar Max. [Ca] in the network sarcoplasmic reticulum (mM)
csqn [Ca] buffered in calsequestrin
cmdn [Ca] buffered in calmodulin
trpn [Ca] buffered in troponin
kmcsqn equilibrium constant of calsequestrin buffering
kmcmdn equilibrium constant of calmodulin buffering
kmtrpn equilibrium constant of troponin buffering
tautr time constant of Ca transfer to junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum (ms)
taudiffss Time constant of ion transfer from Subspace to Myoplasm (ms)
ibarpca Max. Ca current through sarcolemmal Ca pump (uA/uF)
ibarnak Max. current through sarcolemmal Na/K pump (uA/uF)
iupbar Max. current through iup channel (mM/ms)
knaca scaling factor for I Na/Ca
knacamyo scaling factor for I Na/Ca, myoplasmic component
knacass scaling factor for I Na/Ca, subspace component
scgna scaling factor for the maximum conducance of the fast Na inward current
scgcal scaling factor for the maximum conducance of the L-type Ca inward current
scgirel scaling factor for the maximum conductance of the I rel current
scgcat scaling factor for the maximum conducance of the T-type Ca inward current
scgtof scaling factor for the maximum conductance of the transient outward f current
scgtos scaling factor for the maximum conductance of the transient outward s current
scgkr scaling factor for the maximum conductance of the rapid outward K current
scgks scaling factor for the maximum conductance of the slow outward K current
scgki scaling factor for the maximum conductance of the Ki current
scgkp scaling factor for the maximum conductance of the Kp current
scgst scaling factor for the maximum conductance of the sustained Na inward current
scgf scaling factor for the maximum conductance of the funny current
scgkach scaling factor for the maximum conductance of the Ach activated K current
scgcab scaling factor for the maximum conductance of the Ca background current
scgnab scaling factor for the maximum conductance of the Na background current